Shared Earth Learning can bring Forest School style activities to your school or community's grounds.

3 or 6 hour sessions for whole class or smaller groups (e.g. Gifted & Talented, SEN and nurture groups)* 

We provide all the tools & equipment needed to create engaging Forest School activities on location.
* Child to adult ratios depend on chosen activities, optimum being no more than 6:1

You can choose from:
1. BUSHCRAFT EXPERIENCE — a session using child-friendly tools to create useful and/or artistic objects, complemented by some campfire cooking (we can even bring in a fire wok, which won’t burn the grass!) N.B. These sessions require close supervision.
2. KNOW YOURSELF, KNOW YOUR WORLD — e.g. Nature Detectives; Emotional literacy & Values Education: Valuing Self, Others & the Environment
3. SUSTAINABILITY EDUCATION — e.g. The Landfill Challenge, Worms & Composting; The Web of Life; Conservation & habitats; Tree Facts, Fun and Planting etc
4. 'WILD WORDS': Outdoor literacy programme (see below)
5. CEREMONIES & SPECIAL EVENTS — designed with the children

Email us at: sharedearthlearning@gmail.com for more information and bookings

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